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Author's Name: Rocky Oliver

Title: "Brothers"

My older brother entered the military as  volunteer.  Special Forces would not accept draftees into its ranks.  Owen became a medic and was sent to Vietnam with the 5th Special Forces Group.  About a year behind him, believing I was vulnerable to the draft, I also enlisted for the Army and Special Forces.  I too was eventually sent to Vietnam with the 5th Special Forces Group as a communications operator with top secret crypto qualifications.

Once in country, I was asked where I wanted to go.  It seemed a strange question, but knowing my brother was serving with CCS, that's where I wanted to be sent.

CCS (Command and Control South) was headquartered at Ban Me Thout.  Arriving in Ban Me Thout I soon was able to track down Owen's more precise location to be the MLSS (Mission Launch Site South) at Quan Loi.  My request to be assigned there was recognized and very soon I was looking at my brother, a Special Forces medic in the middle of a war in Vietnam.

We served together in the same unit for only a short while before he rotated home.  We've since tried to recreate the circumstances that put us together in such a perilous environment, with only partial success, but continue to pry at our memories while researching literature to help put pieces of the puzzle in place.