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Author's Name: LuA Barnes
Title: "Kenneth Fraser"

Kenneth Fraser
September 1945- September 1968
Chester, Illinois Age 23 and 3 days

An Eagle Scout from Chester Illinois. Kenny came to McKendree College in Lebanon, Illinois to learn, to play sports, and to have fun. He majored in Psychology and Sociology. He held offices in campus organizations, was a member of Xerox, a local fraternity, and was on the Inter Council Board. He played sports and was an excellent athlete. He graduated from McKendree in 1968, was drafted, and sent to Viet Nam. He celebrated his 23 birthday in Viet Nam. Three days later he stepped on a land mine which blew his legs off. He was operated on, the doctors tried to save him, but he died. I don’t remember who called me about Kenny’s death. I think I blocked it from my mind. The person said that Kenny was such an excellent athlete that he would not want to live without his legs. I disagreed. Kenny was a strong individual. I wanted him to live. Such a waste! He deserved better! Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.